Audentity Records Future Bounce 2018 WAV MiDi XFER SERUM RS SPiRE LD SYLENTH1
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- 0.463G
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Future Bounce素材Audentity Records Future Bounce 2018 WAV MiDi XFER SERUM RS SPiRE LD SYLENTH1
Audentity Records is back with their pioneering Future Bounce samplepacks. In 2017 Future Bounce and Future Pop have been Audentity Records' flagship products, and due to high demand, they decided to make another big product in the same genre catagory for you.
New melodies, new construction kits ideas, fat driving basslines and drumgrooves, hit potential lead synths and crazy PHAT and unpredictable drops, its all here.' Their previous Future Bounce packs have been used by many many big name producers and now its time to go to the next level: Future Bounce 2018 is Out Now!
......:::::: Product Specifications ::::::......
• Format: WAVs/MIDIs/Synthesizer VSTi Presets
• 006 x Construction Kits - (Including: Stems/Loops, (One-Shots) Samples, MIDIs, VSTi Presets Files)
• 006 x Mixed & Mastered FullMix/Preview Demos - (WAVs/MP3s)
• 050 x Individual (.VSTi Presets) For (Xfer Serum, RS Spire, LD Sylenth1)
• 034 x Individual (.MIDIs) Files
• 174 x Individual (.WAVs) (Stems/Loops) Samples Files
• 045 x Individual (.WAVs) (One-Shots) Samples Files
• 309 x Files In Total
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• 44.1kHz 16-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• Royalty-Free
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发表于 2024-4-20 17:46:14