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Hip Hop/Trap 素材Loopmasters Flip The Script Hip Hop Vs Trap
Loopmasters present Flip The Script Hip Hop vs Trap – a tough selection of Urban Trap sounds Inspired from producers heavy in the game such as such as Drake, Kanye West, Herobust, Diskord and more. All content here is 100% Royalty Free and ready to be dropped into your productions for that professionally polished sound.
Weighing in at 1.24Gb of content – Flip The Script Hip Hop vs Trap features Loops, One Shots, Sampler Patches and MIDI files to use and abuse in your favourite DAW. This collection has a fat Drum collection with Tops, Kick & Snares and Percussion Loops to mix up the flavour. Musical content features classic instruments including Piano, Strings, Xylophone, Synths, Organs, Flute and more – with Chords, Pads and Arps to mix up the melodies. Plus a streetwise collection of Rap stems from Darris George.
25 Subsonic Bass Loops are included to underpin your mix, setting the foundations for a Trap takedown! Flip The Script Hip Hop vs Trap delivers Loops at 140BPM, making it hit the spot for your Trap, Hip Hop, Urban productions.
Over 200 One Shot samples feature Bass, Drums and 10 Multi-Sampled Instruments – pre made into Sampler Patches for instant loading in the most popular DAWs. 95 MIDI Loops are also thrown in to add to your sonic supplies!
In detail expect to find 1.24GB of content with 450 individual 24 Bit WAV files. 227 Loops are included with 25 Bass Loops, 95 Drum Loops [25 Full, 25 Kick & Snare, 25 Tops and 20 Percussion], 82 Music Loops and 25 Vocal Loops. 223 One Hits are included with 16 Bass Hits, 124 Drum Hits [23 Hi Hats, 23 Kicks, 51 Percussions and 27 Snares] and 10 Multi-sampled Instruments [81 Samples]. 95 MIDI Loops, 243 Rex2 Loops and 38 Sampler Patches for NNXT, Halion, Kontakt, Exs24 and Sfz are also included.
Did you know you can log in to get a free taster pack of this, and all new releases? Flip The Script Hip Hop vs Trap is the ultimate urban melting pot of sound - check out the demos and the tech specs to find out more!
•1.24 GB
•24Bit 44.1KHZ
•82 Music Loops
•25 Full Drum Loops
•25 Top Loops
•25 Kick Snare Loops
•25 Bass Loops
•25 Vocal Stems
•20 Perc Loops
•124 Drum Hits
•16 Bass Hits
•10 Instrument Multis
•243 Rex2 Files
•38 Soft Sampler Patches
•5 Kong
•95 Midi
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