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Our team of international sound designers gave their best to create some stunning MIDI melodies, chords, arps, basslines and even drum MIDI files for you.
The whole pack contains 20 thematic key- and BPM-labeled MIDI construction kits. Each kit contains all MIDI files that you need for creating a nice Hip Hop beat: A heavy 808 bassline, melodic chords, a remarkable melody, atmospheric pads and all kind of drums (kicks, hi-hats, snares, snaps, percussions).
Furthermore, we included a total of 180 single MIDI files from basslines to chords to melodies.
Drag and drop these files into your DAW of choice, they can be combined with everything. From samples to virtual instruments and synthesizers. Use them as inspiration to overcome annoying creativity blocks.
All files and melodies are 100% royalty free and can be used for commercial projects.
The pack contains pure .mid files, which can be used with every music software.
•20 MIDI Construction Kits with 260 Files
•100 Melody MIDI Files
•25 Bass MIDI Files
•55 Chord MIDI Files
•Total: 440 Files |