Disco素材Zero-G Space Disco MULTiFORMAT
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- 1.72G
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Disco素材Zero-G Space Disco MULTiFORMAT
Space Disco is a vintage-styled library based on the 70s/80s space disco scene whose most notable artist was the god-like dance genius that is Giorgio Moroder.
Full of stunning sweeping cascading pulsating rhythms, burbling basslines, Sci-Fi FX, swinging drums and analog synth grooves, it also includes funky guitars, vocals, real percussion and much more.
The library is like Moroder back in proto-techno mode and cruising at the peak of his powers. All the elements of this library could be used for any genre of modern dance music or even soundtrack scoring and indeed it sounds fresher than almost anything else out there at the moment.
So get back to the future with Space Disco!
All the samples in this library have been pre-cleared and are 100% original and royalty-free for your musical use without any additional licensing fees.
•550 Acidized Wav Files
•550 AIFF Apple Loop Files
•37 Kontakt Instruments
•37 Logic EXS24 Instruments
•37 Reason NN-XT Instruments
•37 Cubase HALion Instruments |
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发表于 2024-4-18 09:15:00