恐惧交响乐3ProjectSAM Symphobia 3 Lumina v1.5 KONTAKT
- 平台:
- 格式:
- Kontakt
- 大小:
- 40G
- 备注:
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恐惧交响乐3 ProjectSAM Symphobia 3 Lumina v1.5 KONTAKT
恐惧交响乐更新至第3个版本,该版本拥有完整的乐团,合唱团,小型乐队等交响元素;Symphobia 3 Lumina能为您的音乐增添更多的深度和细腻,采样精度比1.2代更加精细,可以说Symphobia第三卷是ProjectSAM最为出色的一个版本。
Key features:
Aimed at fantasy, mystery & animation
Designed for film, TV & video game scoring
Inspiring "Stories" combo instruments
Ensemble recordings (featuring full orchestra & choir)
Chamber ensembles (including solo strings & soprano choir)
Legato instruments (including soprano voice)
Guest instruments (including celtic harp & double bass)
Genuine concert hall recordings
Real-time mixing of direct, ambient & wide mics
Split sections for selected textures (1.1 update)
42 GB library in Kontakt's compressed sample format (81 GB uncompressed)
Kontakt Player 5 license included
2016 Edition:
The 2016 Editions of Symphobia 3 offers a number of exciting new features, such as Komplete Kontrol support, faster loading times and improved audio content. And as before, updating is 100% free for all existing Symphobia 3 users!
2016 Edition Update:
New: tempo sync woodwind patterns
New: tempo sync string phrases
New: tempo sync brass phrases
New Stories
Native Kontrol Standard support
Komplete Kontrol Light Guide support
Updated interface
On-screen tooltips
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发表于 2024-4-11 13:41:45