极乐世界竖琴Soundiron Elysium Harp KONTAKT
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- 14.6G
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Soundiron Elysium Harp KONTAKT极乐世界竖琴 14.6Gb
Elysium Harp是一个47弦的大音乐会踏板竖琴音色库,完全兼容免费的Kontakt采样器和Komplete Kontrol S系列键盘。
About :
Elysium Harp is a 47-string grand concert pedal harp virtual instrument library, fully compatible with the free Kontakt Player and Komplete Kontrol S-Series Keyboards by Native Instruments.
We recorded this massive Lyon & Healy bronze concert harp in exquisite detail, with extended articulation choices, advanced controls, easy play-assist features and warm presence across the entire key range.
Contents :
Deep-Sampled Articulations
8 round-robin variations per dynamic layer
Finger Pad Plucks
Finger Nail Plucks
Soft Harmonic Plucks
Hard Harmonic Plucks
Xylophonic Plucks
Bass String Pedal Buzz Effects
194 Natural Glisses in 19 scales and styles by harp soloists Jennifer Ellis
Dozens of custom ambiences, organic synth pads, tonal atmospheres and FX presets crafted from the harp source recordings and presets.
Product Specs :
12,145 Samples
30.6 GB uncompressed / 14.7 GB Installed with lossless ncw compression
9 nki Kontakt instruments
63 nksn snapshots
24 bit / 48kHz lossless NCW format samples
Works with the free Kontakt Player (version 5.5.2+)
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发表于 2024-4-20 20:32:53