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Orchestral Tools Symphonic Sphere v2.1 KONTAKT柏林交响乐团
业界首款TRILLS ORCHESTRATOR适用于小提琴,Violas,Cellos和Woodwind乐团。在键盘上滚下你的和弦,Trills Orchestrator会在你演奏的音符之间安排颤音。
- The industry′s first TRILLS ORCHESTRATOR available for Violins, Violas, Cellos and the Woodwind Ensemble. Roll off your chords on the keyboard and the Trills Orchestrator will arrange trills between the notes you′re playing. (If you play C/E/G e.g. the Instrument will trill between C-E and E-G). You do not need to use any keyswitches!
+ semitone trills
+ wholetone trills
+ minor 3rd trills
+ major 3rd trills
+ 4th trills
+ augmented fourth trills
+ 5th trills
- Symphonic Harp with PEDAL CONTROL. We have sampled all strings of the Concert Harp in all pitches. Playable, realistic glissandos in pentatonic e.g. are now possible.
- Never before recorded SWEEPS (short/ fast)
+ tremolos
+ trills (HT/WT)
- Sfz Trills and Tremolos
- Pizzicato Tremolo
- Sul Ponticello Set
+ tremolos
+ trills (HT/WT)
- Flageolet Set (harmonics)
+ glissandos
- tremolos
+ normal
- Big sounding basic articulations (for better blending!)
+ staccatos with RR
+ sustains with X-fade-control via modwheel (CC1)
+ pizzicatos with RR
+ tremolo with X-fade-control via modwheel (CC1)
- Hundreds of pre-recorded scale glissandi and beds for Harp
+ major
+ minor
+ octatonic
+ whole tone
+ pentatonic
- 3 mixable mic-positions in all patches (Tree, ORTF, Close) |