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Dream Audio Tools The Portable v1.0 KONTAKT影视动画工具包合成音色
An ideal tool for creating retrowave flavoured synthetic sounds, from classic synth brass to modern and alternative pads and textures. It’s also a great compendium to any style of music, including Retro and Modern Electronica, Synthpop, Wave, Hip Hop, Film Music and Ambient.
Sounds are divided into three main categories: Original sounds (the original generated sounds),
Snapshots (designed presets) and Sequences (A selection of sequences, including editable Step Bender)
With its usable interface and a selected array of controls and effects The Portable allows the
customization and creation of an unlimited range of inspiring sounds. Controls include a Luminance
control with over 20 impulses and a Rhythmizer for additional modulation. It also includes a Step
Bender for the creation of custom sequences. |