古典铜管Output Analog Brass and Winds KONTAKT
- 平台:
- 格式:
- Kontakt
- 大小:
- 14G
- 备注:
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古典铜管Output Analog Brass and Winds KONTAKT
Throw classics to the wind. Analog Brass and Winds is a virtual instrument for those who dare. Breaking from 400 years of tradition by blurring the line between powerful orchestral sounds and legendary synths to give you next level air.
Big braams, gritty textures, wistful runs blend together to give you the best possible combinations. Get to know how Output’s unconventional sound design flows through the pipes and valves of this engine.
We sampled an 18-piece brass section, 18-piece wind section, and hand-selected soloists at the stunning BMC Hall in Budapest. Capturing contemporary stabs, flutters, trills and unusual techniques.
You’d know them by name. Legendary, modern, highly coveted synths were picked for their brass and wind-like characteristics. Patches were fashioned to inspire bold new textures that are near impossible with live instruments.
Bold and bizarre timbres fuse with brass and winds to give your sounds extra zest. Experiment with our signature custom sounds designed from unexpected sources.
It Takes Guts
Bend these sounds to your will. Our familiar and most intuitive interface to date meets new source material. An easy-to-use workflow made to breathe new life into all airy sounds with built-in advanced modulation routing, dual tape loopers, dual arpeggiators, flux sequencing, and four macro sliders.
•500+ Presets for instant playability
•28 GB sound library (14 GB compressed)
•Syncs to tempo
•Powerful dual-layer engine
•Preset menu with smart tagging
•Layer FX and global FX
•4 central macro sliders unique to each preset
•Dual arpeggiators
•Built-in help menu
•Requires Kontakt 5 Full Version or Kontakt Free Version 5.7.1
NI’s Native Kontrol Standard allows all Output products to work seamlessly with Komplete Kontrol keyboards and Maschine, giving you the ability to access 1000s of snapshots and quickly dive into sound design with the custom mapped control knobs.
Note: This software requires Kontakt 5 Full Version or Kontakt Free Version 5.7.1.
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发表于 2024-4-20 17:36:28