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Code Audio Group Trap A Lot MULTIFORMAT
Included you find multiple formats including WAV, Kontakt, Ableton, Battery, Halion, EXS-24, Mach Five, MPC, ATOM Impact XT, SampleTank, and NNXT that will autoload. This product is well organized and labeled so if you are using FL Studio/Fruity Loops, Maschine, or any other DAW or sampler that accepts WAV files you will have no problem quickly using the sounds.
Code Audio is a team of ghostwriters for some of today's top music. The team of multiplatinum producers, musicians, and engineers have dozens of hit records under their belt.
Code Audio....Music Is Our DNA
376 Samples
Loops, Riffs, One Shots
WAV, Midi, WAV, Kontakt, Exs24, uvi MachFive, halion, Sampletank, reason, battery 1, ableton simpler/sampler, MPC |