柏林弦乐E扩展Orchestral Tools Berlin Strings EXP E SFX String Effects v1.1
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柏林弦乐E扩展Orchestral Tools Berlin Strings EXP E SFX String Effects v1.1 KONTAKT 18G,可以单独使用。
Berlin Strings EXP E - SFX is the final installment of our orchestral effect range within the Berlin Series. It complements the Berlin Woodwinds EXP D - SFX and Berlin Brass EXP C - Horn SFX Collections with extensively captured playable multi-sampled tonal and atonal string effects. It is recorded at the level of flexibility and depth of sampling the Berlin Series is renowned for since its first Collection release.
With thousands of risers, effect glissandos, clusters and the new tempo-synced Measured Trills, this Collection is crafted to create a really controllable arsenal of Playable Effect Articulations throughout the full natural instrument ranges.
Round Robins on several articulations and controllable dynamic layers for most of the patches let you break through the limitations of simple one shot effect samples.
All articulations were captured in individual sections to be able to orchestrate your own string ensemble combinations.
Because this collection was recorded at the famous Teldex Scoring Stage with first-class musicians from Berlin, it perfectly fits into the orchestral sonic world of the Berlin Series.
- Single Sections
for individual and flexible String FX writing and orchestrating
- Playable Effects: Each articulation is recorded with its full range, different dynamic layers and most of them with Round Robins for remarkable realism and flexibility.
- Measured Trills up to a 5th at two different speeds
Incl. a Tempo Script that adjusts the Measured Trills automatically to your host tempo
- Ligeti Clusters
- Huge Collection of Aleatoric Clusters,
Sustains, Staccatos, Dynamics, Tremolos, …
- Extensive Aleatoric Glissando Sets
different lengths, Dynamics, Tremolo, Pizzicato, Trem Sul Pont…
- Chromatic Runs
- Recorded at the Teldex Scoring Stage
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发表于 2024-4-18 09:32:59