CONNECTD Audio Trap Treats and Future Beats MULTiFORMAT
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- 0.561G
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CONNECTD Audio Trap Treats and Future Beats MULTiFORMAT音色库:561Mb
Drum Loops:
Shuffling street-beats and soulful Trap grooves. A jam-packed folder containing 39 full beats with stripped stems. There's a total of 218 drum loops here, meaning you can mix and match each individual element, giving you thousands of creative possibilities.
Bass Loops:
Slick, driven subs, gliding tones and lush low-enders. 38 key-labelled bass loops with MIDI for total production ease.
Music Loops:
Neo Soul progressions, lush keys, lively arps and and pinpoint polysynths. 50 modern motifs, key labelled and presented with MIDI throughout.
Tops & Perc Loops:
Sizzling snare rolls, tops, complex tops and syncopated patterns. 39 loops to compliment existing beats or serve as the foundation to new ones.
Pitched, twerked and reworked vocal tools. 21 loops to use as detailed soundbeds or subtle layers.
21 transitional tools, comprising white noise rises, atmospheric falls and tremolo impacts to add those finishing touches.
Drum Hits & One-Shots:
Bass hits, chord stabs, tight kicks, snappy snares, sculpted hats and organic percussion. 124 curated one-shots for supreme beat creation.
Drum Kits:
Dive right in and start constructing with 3 custom drum kits for Ableton, Maschine 2, Battery, EXS24 & Kontakt. Instant inspiration assured. |
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发表于 2024-4-18 09:18:27