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Flatpick 6 给你高度正宗 flatpicking 吉他民谣、 国家和蓝草音乐的完美。演化 Flatpick 6 特色手工钢弦木吉他与充分、 活泼的色调。由著名琴师精雕细琢,吉他的施工特点混合支撑,丰富的低音响应和清脆的高音频率使用更小、 更轻的大括号的特殊变化。
From feathery soft dynamics to bright energetic sustains, Evolution Flatpick 6 gives you a highly-authentic flatpicking guitar perfect for folk, country, and bluegrass music. Evolution Flatpick 6 features a handmade steel string acoustic guitar with a full, lively tone. Crafted by a distinguished luthier, the guitar's construction features a special variation on hybrid bracing, using smaller and lighter braces for a rich bass response and crisp treble frequencies.+ s* y0 H8 n6 ?8 \7 ]( Y; H
We developed the library in collaboration with Rosewood Recording Company, one of Utah's most venerable recording studios. Guy Randle, the owner and recording engineer at Rosewood Recording Company, incorporated analog audio equipment to skillfully sculpt and emphasize the rich tonal qualities of the guitar. Evolution Flatpick 6 includes both the as-recorded signal as well as an enhanced signal. Although we feel that the latter option best represents our vision for the sound of the acoustic guitar, the unprocessed signal is also at your disposal for additional flexibility.
- \2 m1 z0 q# }6 v3 X9 EFor the sampling session, Guy Randle worked with Ryan Tilby, a versatile multi-instrumentalist who has performed at countless music festivals and toured Europe multiple times. His compositions have been featured on the Discovery Channel, Outdoor Photo Adventures, and other prominent TV shows. Ryan Tilby also offers remote recording services for clients around the world in need of guitar, banjo, bass, mandolin, and ukulele tracks.
8 n/ x* \* B: p3 g& v: i IThe Evolution Flatpick 6 sample library includes all the essential articulations such as sustains, natural harmonics, palm mutes, fully muted notes, and legato (hammer ons, pull offs, slides). Additionally, it provides effects like tapped sustains, body hits, and other useful performance techniques.
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