Red Room Audio Saga Acoustic Trailer Percussion KONTAKT-SYNTHiC4TE红色雷鸣鼓
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Saga - Acoustic Trailer打击乐器是一个广泛的雷鸣鼓,动态金属和其他真实世界的打击乐器,专注于为电影和预告片音乐提供影响和音阶。
Saga – Acoustic Trailer Percussion is an extensive collection of thunderous drums, dynamic metals and other real-world acoustic percussion instruments focused on providing impact and scale to cinematic and trailer music.
SATP features a broad range of deeply sampled instruments and articulations recorded on a scoring stage, including orchestral and world drum ensembles, world drum soloists, cymbals and gongs, oil drums, anvils and a plethora of large metal slams and crashes. Also included are field recordings of giant silos, metal doors, machinery, tools and various small metals. There are over 110 instruments in total and the easy-to-use Kontakt GUI offers plenty of performance and sound shaping options that allow you to customize Saga to suit your compositions.
Orchestral & world drum ensembles
Cymbals & gongs
Oil Drums
World solo drums
Anvils & destroyed metals
Field recordings (simulated battle gear, tools, machinery, metal doors, tanks, giant silos)
Up to 7 dynamic layers and 10 round robin
Recorded in a fairly dry hall with 2 microphone positions
Multiple articulations (rolls, rims, edges, various sticks & mallets)
Powerful 4-slot FX rack featuring 12 FX
Simple, easy to use GUI
4 GB of content / 11,346 samples (24 bit/44.1 kHz NCW)
Works only with the FULL version of Kontakt, NOT the free Kontakt Player.
NI Kontakt FULL version 5.6.8 or above |
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发表于 2024-5-4 17:22:53